What's new

Tuesday, 21 January, 2025

ASCEL shines a crucial spotlight on the role and impact of School Library Services (SLSs) in England following a 20-year gap in evidence.  

Supported by Arts Council funding, ASCEL commissioned Leeds University to conduct research into the provision of School Library Services (SLSs) to understand the service breadth, gaps in provision, different business models, funding arrangements and health of the service across the country. The research took place between January to November 2024. 

The resulting report includes quantitative and qualitative evidence from 39 SLSs (confirming there are 41 in England, with evidence to suggest a further 16 are in operation), and shares key findings and strategic evidence which offers advice for the maintenance and development of a successful SLS. 

Read the SLS Report summary here

Read the full SLS Report here

Key research findings: 

  • Of the 39 SLSs that responded, 24 are part of the library service in their area. 
  • The ratio of SLS staff to number of schools ranges from 1:7 to 1:43. 
  • Book loans are the most common service, followed by advice and consultation, book awards and artefact loans. 
  • 100% of respondents agreed that their SLS contributed positively to teaching and learning. 
  • Just 9% said their SLS was financially secure in the long-term. 

Excerpts from the case studies within the report include: 

“The knowledge of the staff is astounding. The team are constantly reading and reviewing books, which despite being time-consuming, is very much worth it. This develops their own expertise of children’s books and themes, something they can readily offer the schools and teachers they work with.” 

“There’s a whole generation of teachers and even SLT who haven’t experienced a good quality, working school library. There’s a memory gap to fill and SLSs need to be good at demonstrating what they can offer.” 

“The SLS team’s expertise can help expand the books the teachers use in their classes to include more contemporary, local and diverse literature." 

We are engaging with SLS members of ASCEL to discuss the findings of the report and identify next steps. 

Tuesday, 14 January, 2025

ASCEL is working with libraries across the country to build a Youth Engagement Network, to ensure children and young people's voices are heard within our sector.

Funded by Arts Council England, the Youth Engagement Network programme pilot took place from January to August 2024. The aim of the project is to connect library services from across the country with local children and young people from marginalised groups, who do not currently engage with their library, to shape activities that will encourage younger generations to access libraries. The purpose of the network is to listen to and represent young voices, putting them at the centre of decision-making and designing ways for them to influence national policy in libraries and culture. 

Seven library services across England - Luton Libraries, Norfolk Library & Information Service, Kirklees Library & Information Service, Newham Libraries, Slough Libraries, Libraries Unlimited (Devon), Cornwall Libraries  - tested co-created approaches with a total of 56 young people aged 11-13 years old, including those who are neurodivergent, to engage young audiences with libraries and give them an opportunity to share their ideas.

Read the interim report 

Key research findings: 

  • 90% of young people felt more welcome in the library because of working directly with their local library service on specific projects. 
  • 100% of participants felt that their opinions, ideas and feelings were listened to and heard and 86% enjoyed the experience. 
  • 76% of participants said that the co-created activities helped to improve their communication skills, which will support their future development in school, volunteering and work. 
  • 71% of participants gained new knowledge and skills, in digital marketing, creative skills, writing, and library-related knowledge. Bringing in external expertise enabled more opportunities to learn enhanced skills. 
  • 71% of library staff experienced increased confidence in developing and delivering co-created projects with young people 
  • 86% of library staff feel better equipped to articulate the value of co-created work in libraries as a direct result of the programme.  
  • Staff gained a deeper insight into the library from the perspective of a neurodiverse young person and develop confidence in working specifically with neurodivergent and SEND-identifying young people, which is essential for fully accessible library services. 

Discover the individual case study learnings below: 

Barnstable Library (Libraries Unlimited)

Kirklees Libraries

Luton Libraries

Norfolk Libraries

Young participants of the programme said:  

“It was a wonderful experience. I felt relaxed and calm.” 

“Something I didn’t know before is how fun the library is.” 

Library staff participants said: 

“The young people loved the idea of being involved in decision making, particularly around stock selection. They were interested in processes and the carbon reduction possibilities libraries offer.” 

“Many of the young people felt the significance of a library and why they need to exist. Some had no idea just how big Central Library was and what was truly on offer for them and other members.” 

“It was my first time co-creating, but it worked out really well and it has given me the confidence to do it again. It was great to have the training and support sessions from ASCEL to fall back on and know that we could share ideas with others around the country if needed.” 

What’s next 

  • The learnings from the pilot are informing our future training and guidance to best support our whole network in engaging young people now and in the future.  
  • Phase 2 of the Youth Engagement Network begins in January 2025, welcoming 14 more library services to the programme. They will adopt a holistic approach, bringing in experts such as Participation People to support libraries, and encouraging libraries to work with local partners where possible.  
Wednesday, 28 August, 2024


Today we - the Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians (ASCEL), the School Library Association and the Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) including CILIP’s School Libraries Group (CILIP SLG) wrote to the Minister for School Standards offering our support with their programmes and asking for an opportunity to discuss how school libraries can support the Government’s mission to break down barriers to opportunity for all. We look forward to hearing back in due course.

Download the letter hereor read the text of the letter:


School librarians stand ready to work with you on increasing opportunity for all

Many congratulations on your recent election victory and your appointment as Minister for School Standards.

We write as the leaders of national charities representing school library staff; the School Library Association, the Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) including CILIP’s School Libraries Group (CILIP SLG), and the Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians (ASCEL).

Together, we support everyone involved in school libraries so that every child can have the best educational experience. Between us we have thousands of members across the UK, and hundreds of volunteers help us to deliver our activities.

We would love to meet with you to discuss how school libraries can support the Government’s mission to break down barriers to opportunity for all; not just in their role providing access to books and other resources to support attainment, but also their role in equipping children with the skills which will be needed for careers in an economy of the future, and as informed citizens.

Our members are delivering sessions on media and information literacy, culture and creativity, research and digital skills, as well as encouraging children to develop teamworking skills, grow their confidence, and develop their sense of their place in the world. Where school libraries meet high standards, they are evidenced to improve attainment, attitudes to learning and reading, and self-esteem. Schools and pupils benefit from a properly staffed and resourced school library, which relieves teachers’ workload and provides quiet, inclusive study spaces for pupils. School Library Services are a critical enabler within the education system, providing school libraries with resources and expertise to raise reading standards and support the curriculum.

However, schools are increasingly unable to benefit from these vital services, primarily due to the combined pressures of budget pressures and narrow accountability measures.

As you may already know, school libraries are not statutory, and yet many people think they are. Will the new Labour government be looking to increase transparency about this, perhaps by including whether a school has a library in Ofsted inspection reports? It also makes sense for Ofsted to reference the local public library offer for children, given its impact on families, especially disadvantaged families.

The Department for Education does not currently collect any data on school libraries and we have previously been told this would be a waste of money. However, without knowing where there are, and are not, school libraries we cannot identify and then act on trends to raise standards in an evidence-based way. For example, the Great School Libraries campaign has conducted research finding regional trends such as schools in the North East being less likely to have school libraries, and schools with a higher proportion of children eligible for Free School Meals being less likely to have a library, less likely to have a librarian, and less likely to have sufficient resources. The research also showed that schools without school libraries depend on local School Library Services and public library provision, meaning a better overall picture is required to understand contributing factors which may be further widening and ingraining educational inequalities and child poverty.

We would also love to have you come and speak at our events. The School Library Association is holding its annual conference in Northampton 6-7 June 2025, and we would be very pleased if you were able to attend and give a short speech to our delegates. Many of them are unclear about how the government view the role of school libraries, and, as with many support staff, feel tired and jaded at the moment. We welcome the announcement of a body to represent school support staff in pay negotiations as a vital step, so thank you for that.

We are also co-hosting a Libraries Change Lives Parliamentary reception soon focused on Opportunity, an invitation will follow in due course. Again, it would be fantastic if you could join us and say a few words.

Should you wish to discuss the above points, we would be delighted to meet you in Westminster or arrange a school library visit at a time convenient to you.

We wish you all the very best in your role as Minister for School Standards and look forward to working with you over the coming years.

Thursday, 28 March, 2024

ASCEL is delighted to welcome our new Chief Executive Tabitha Witherick.

With 20 years’ experience leading libraries in local government and charities, her energy and expertise are set to help us grow and develop further as an Arts Council Investment Principles Support Organisation.

Tabitha says:

“I am thrilled to be joining ASCEL as Chief Executive. Leading this amazing charity, which focuses on the library offer for children and young people, at this exciting time in its development feels like the place for me to be. 
It’s a tough time for library leaders right now - there are significant financial challenges for local government at a time of exceptional societal need when we know children and young people benefit deeply from the services available at their local library. 
I’m driven by the difference libraries make to children and young people and I’m ambitious about extending our reach to ensure libraries are truly inclusive. I have huge respect for ASCEL’s achievements and feel lucky to be able to work with Members, Trustees, and young people to take the charity to the next phase of development.  

My initial focus will be building on the foundations that have been laid by colleagues before me - delivering a relevant member offer, engaging children and young people in all corners of the country, growing partnerships and developing the organisation to ensure we fulfil our ambitions. 

I will look further ahead with the Board of Trustees to vision our future, taking a longer-term view of our aspirations and securing opportunities for growth.

I’ll focus on developing strong links across the sector, starting with the opportunities arising from Baroness Sanderson’s recent independent review of English public libraries, which recommends universal membership for children. 

I will emphasise ASCELs unique position – our commitment to elevate young diverse voices as the charity that represents the expertise and experience of children and young people’s specialists across libraries – the power of public and school libraries combined.  

We will be constantly lifting up the voices of children and young people, to ensure they are centred in the future development of library services.  


ASCEL Chair Annabel Gittins says: 

"We are very excited to welcome Tabitha. She is joining a very cohesive Executive team who have achieved much in their first year, and I am sure her energy and ambition will ensure that ASCEL thrives and grows as an organisation.

We are also lucky to have had Sarah Mears expertly guide us through these last 4 months of transition and would like to thank her and Libraries Connected for their continued support."

Tuesday, 23 January, 2024

We are delighted to announce Tabitha Witherick as the new CEO of ASCEL. 

Tabitha will bring visionary leadership, a wealth of library services experience and the ability to use the power of stories to elevate the role and impact of ASCEL. Her passion and energy to drive our strategic plans forward heralds an exciting new chapter for ASCEL, as we move forward with our ambitious plans for growth, going into our second year as an Arts Council England Investment Principles Support Organisation.

Currently Regional Development Manager at Libraries Connected - the national network for Librarians across the UK - Tabitha will join ASCEL at the end of March 2024. It’s an exciting time for the charity as we evolve and enhance our member services, peer support opportunities, training and resources.  

Tabitha is an experienced charity executive and chartered librarian, formerly Head of Library Service and Customer Experience at Libraries Unlimited. She has a breadth of experience in leadership and a track record of delivering development projects and programmes, such as the acclaimed The Glass Box co-produced with young people, combining a passion for digital, creativity and experimentation. 

Tabitha Witherick says:

"It is a dream come true to be appointed as ASCEL's Chief Executive.

ASCEL’s mission, values and strategic ambitions very much align with my own; I’m driven by the difference libraries make to children and young people and I’m ambitious about ensuring libraries are truly inclusive.

I’m excited to bring my experience of working with library services, local government and charities to benefit ASCEL and the library sector.

I have huge respect for ASCEL’s achievements to date and I feel honoured to have this opportunity to work with the team, members and trustees to elevate the voices of young people and to take the charity into the exciting next phase of development.”

Annabel Gittins, Chair of ASCEL says:

 “We are delighted to have Tabitha joining ASCEL as the new CEO. She stood out in a very strong field of candidates. The ASCEL Board are looking forward to seeing her lead the organisation into its second year as an Investment Principles Support Organisation and developing the programme of work with the excellent executive team. A key part of this will be reviewing the Member’s offer and developing the Children’s Promise Alliance, thus ensuring that ASCEL is in an ideal position to grasp future opportunities.”

Isobel Hunter, CEO of Libraries Connected says:

“Tabitha has made a huge impact at Libraries Connected - her strategic expertise and experience have been invaluable in the set-up phase of our regional development project. While we’re sad to see her go, we’re delighted that ASCEL will now benefit from her passion, drive and deep knowledge of the libraries sector. It’s so important that children’s and school libraries have a dedicated organisation representing them and we’re excited to see ASCEL grow under Tabitha’s leadership.”

Tabitha Witherick has spent her career developing inclusive future facing library services.

For the last six months Tabitha has been working at Libraries Connected, initiating the Regional Development programme, building collaboration across the national member network.

She is an experienced charity executive and chartered librarian, formerly Head of Library Service and Customer Experience at Libraries Unlimited, where she led commissioned library services across Devon and Torbay, the cultural programme funded by Arts Council (NPO), and Business & IP Centres, a partnership with the British Library. 

During her time at Somerset Libraries, Tabitha gained recognition for the development of The Glass Box, an ambitious and highly experimental digital skills project co-produced with young people. Tabitha is passionate about inclusion and believes that the voices of children and young people are essential in unlocking the full potential of libraries embedded within communities. 
During 2023 Tabitha became a Clore Social Fellow after completing the Experienced Leader programme. As a Trustee at a secondary Single Academy Trust she sits on the Finance, Audit and Risk and Governance and Nominations committees, and is the link trustee for GDPR, cybersecurity and parent communications.

Tabitha uses the pronouns she/her.



Friday, 19 January, 2024

ASCEL responds to Baroness Sanderson’s Public Libraries Review


ASCEL welcomes the publication of Baroness Sanderson’s independent review of public libraries in England. We thank Baroness Sanderson for including ASCEL in the consultation for the review, to ensure that children’s library services were well represented within the discussion and the report.

Sarah Mears, ASCEL's Interim CEO says:

"We are pleased to see the recognition given to the importance of libraries and their value and impact within communities and that more needs to be done to ensure their sustainability, especially the ongoing underinvestment of the sector.

ASCEL strongly supports the idea of Universal Library Membership for children, and that this is seen as an entitlement.

We feel that several key ‘intervention’ points in a child’s life are needed, not just one point for universal membership so that no children fall through the net. To make the scheme truly successful, it would be important to engage partners locally and nationally, such as Family Hubs, GPs, Health Visitors, BBC Tiny Happy People, to ensure that parents/guardians/carers can be reached, as they will be critical to activating membership, and securing investment in a campaign of engagement. This requires capacity and funds to create a sustainable, worthwhile, and beneficial offer. Consideration also needs to be given to making the scheme effective and easy-to-use for vulnerable and looked-after children, who may move areas, to ensure they retain access to libraries without barriers or judgement.

ASCEL very much welcomes the idea of a National Data Hub. The lack of consistent and coherent data has been challenging for libraries in terms of demonstrating impact and attracting investment. Sharing data will be vital for the success of Universal Library Membership and will help us to better understand the impact of our services. We also support the proposal to capture data on digital engagement alongside physical engagement with services, which also highlights the need for the data hub to constantly future gaze to ensure that data gathered is relevant and dynamic.

We are excited by the idea of a Library Laureate. We think the current Children’s Laureate (as well as previous laureates) and the poet laureate have both served to raise the profile of libraries and having a national Library Laureate sends a message both nationally and internationally about the value a society places on its library services.

We believe that having a Libraries Minister would be hugely beneficial to raising the profile of libraries within Government, the political agenda and in society, which is currently desperately needed. Working across departments - DCMS, DFE and DLUHC - would not only reflect the wide remit of libraries but add value to our work. It would ensure that libraries have a central prominence in government and are not excluded from vital discussions and plans.

Proposing to move Libraries Week would be beneficial, to enable more politicians to engage with the event.

ASCEL is interested in the national branding idea. Elevating libraries in people’s consciousness would bring many benefits, which we fully recognise. We are mindful of the challenges and costs this might incur, which may mean it would take time, persuasion and investment to achieve. We look forward to seeing this idea developed with a detailed plan.


We are pleased that Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Minister Lord Parkinson has responded positively to the recommendations in the report and that he has committed to taking these forward in next year’s library strategy.

ASCEL echoes Libraries Connected’s point that 'For libraries to truly prosper and fulfil the potential outlined in Baroness Sanderson’s review, councils need a fairer, long-term funding solution. Without this, it is difficult to see how these recommendations can be fully implemented and resourced.'"


Annabel Gittins, Chair of ASCEL says:

“Baroness Sanderson’s independent report signifies an important moment for the future of libraries as it brings our vital services under the spotlight and shines a light on a number of ways that the sector can be supported, elevated and developed. We support many of the recommendations and are delighted to have been included in the consultation discussions. We know that the true outcome of the report, however, will be seen in what happens next in terms of the Libraries strategy, financial and political support centrally and locally, and meaningful action. We look forward to and welcome these developments, so that Libraries across our network can flourish, thrive and prosper, and be recognised and appreciated in Government, nationally and locally as the lifeblood of our communities that ASCEL and our members believe and know them to be.


Friday, 19 January, 2024

ASCEL: Invitation to Tender


Title:    Research to support School Library Services

Return to: [email protected]

Deadline for receipt of tender proposals: 12 noon 6 February 2024.




This Invitation to Tender (ITT) specifies the requirements for delivering a research project to support School Library Services (SLS/s)


The following details are outlined in this document:

  • Background
  • Objectives of this project
  • The Brief
  • Contract Management and Governance
  • Workplan and milestones
  • Budget
  • The terms of business relating to the award of any contract
  • Process for submitting proposals
  • Further Information
  • Compliance




​.2.1 ASCEL https://www.ascel.org.uk/


ASCEL is the national network for senior leaders in children's, public and schools library services. Created by and for Members, we provide training, peer support, best practice, resources and networking initiatives that enable our Members to give children and young people a dynamic, exciting and innovative library experience and amplify their voices.

Our network of active regional committees support place based partnership working across the country and help to drive our national impact.

ASCEL is a charity that receives funding from Arts Council England as an Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO). We are a membership organisation that supports every public library service for children and young people and school library services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2.2  School Library Services

Schools Library Services are organisations offering services to schools. They advise schools and provide training on managing and developing their own school libraries and teaching resources in schools, on teaching information literacy skills to enable children to become independent learners and to help schools create a reading culture.

The way each service operates varies considerably from local authority to local authority.

SLS UK (supported by ASCEL) consists of a collective of Schools Library Services covering the length and breadth of the UK. https://sls-uk.org/about/



This is a research project funded by Arts Council England to execute and complete a research project to enable the sector to gain a better understanding of the number, reach and location of School Library Services (SLS) in England.


It will:

  • analyse the number, distribution, provision, service level, reach, quality, different business models (with associated advantages/disadvantages), operating environments and funding arrangements and success factors (which may include use, value and impact) to give a clear national picture of school library services (SLS) in England
  • provide an understanding of gaps in SLS provision
  • provide a picture of the health of School Library Services across the country
  • present a strategic evidence and knowledge base for supporting local authorities or services commissioned by local authorities to maintain and develop SLSs



The contractor will:


  • Create a survey to be shared with English library services/local authorities
  • Carry out desk-based research including collecting case studies examples of best practice, successful delivery and different models and funding
  • Conduct a stakeholder survey
  • Carry out interviews with SLS leaders and their teams
  • Produce a report outlining the national picture in relation to SLS including number, reach, delivery and funding models. mapped against the literacy levels/free school meals/indices of deprivation. The report should include consideration of places where there is no defined SLS but similar provision is provided effectively through public library services
  • Look at partnerships between public library services and school library services
  • Create a ‘how to guide’ for those wishing to create an SLS including how to make the case for creating one
  • Create a list of contacts/resources/support organisations



  • The contract will be directly managed by the Programme Manager at ASCEL
  • The work will be supported by a small reference group of ASCEL SLS Members and the Executive



We envisage the project will follow this workplan, but proposals can set out an alternative timetable to meet the brief.


Overall programme plan


Activity Time Period
Milestone Date
Invitation to Tender published Friday 19 January
Closing date  Midday 6 February
Appointment of successful contractor By 28 February
Develop the research plan March -April
Convene reference group March -April
Meeting with reference group April
Research and interviews April- August 
Report writing August- September
Presentation and sign off of final report (Trustees, Reference group, CEO and Chair) October
Possibility of sharing at ASCEL Conference  (to be confirmed) 15 or 16 November




A maximum of £ 11.5k inclusive of VAT is available for research and report writing and in addition up to 1.5k is earmarked for researcher travel.

ASCEL Connected will provide some support to convene the reference group and working with Arts Council England to share the findings.



Payment at key milestones in two instalments subject to satisfactory progress and delivery of the project.



9.1 Procurement timetable

  • Submission by 6 February 2024
  • Award selection process completed by end February 2024 


9.2 Proposal submission

Please submit proposals by email to [email protected]

Proposals must be submitted by 6 February 2024

Proposals should be no more than 2500 words and should include:


  • Understanding of the brief
  • An outline methodology for achieving the brief
  • A statement of your skills and experience in context of this brief including names and experience of each person assigned to the project. Examples and links to relevant reports you have written or contributed to should be included
  • An outline work plan and timetable for this work
  • A clear breakdown of costs which includes all rates, fees, and expenses you are anticipating for the project. If you are VAT registered this must be included in your costings
  • Evidence of your commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Two contactable referees who could provide a relevant reference of your suitability to work on this project


9.3 Evaluation of proposals

  1. We will evaluate proposals using these criteria:



    Extent to which proposal demonstrates an understanding of the brief


    Knowledge and experience relevant to the project, including experience of running consultation processes and strategic planning


    Quality of methodology


    Proposed team composition and management


    Cost (Value for money)




For an informal discussion about the work, please contact: [email protected]



ASCEL reserves the right to disqualify any provider’s response to this ITT if it does not fully comply with the requirements contained therein. This is particularly relevant in relation to the stated closing date and time of applications.

ASCEL is not responsible for and will not pay for any expenses or losses you incur during, but not limited to, the application preparation, visits, negotiations, or interviews in relation to this procurement process. It is your responsibility to ensure that any consortium member, sub-contractor, and adviser abide by the conditions set out by ASCEL.

In submitting a response to this ITT, it will be implied that you accept all the provisions of this ITT including these conditions.

If ASCEL needs to change any information contained within this ITT before the closing date, you will be written to advise you of these changes, which includes the extension of any submission deadlines. ASCEL reserves the right to cancel or suspend this ITT process at any time but will notify you in writing as soon as possible if this occurs.

It is expected that the contractor will work within the values and behaviours of ASCEL and this will be part of the contract of engagement.


Download full ItT


Thursday, 21 December, 2023

As 2023 comes to close, we thought we'd look back at what has been the most important, at times challenging but ultimately the most exciting year for ASCEL as we transformed into the IPSO charity.

Although the work to get here actually started all the way back in 2019 under then chair, Stella Thebridge it was not until October 2022 that we were successful in being offered the IPSO funding from ACE and the trustees put their mind to the recruitment of the CEO.

Adam Tulloch was announced as the first ASCEL CEO in February. The Trustees were back in action through February and March, bringing together all the strands that were needed for ASCEL to become a fully functioning charity, ready for Adam to take up his post in April. Setting up HR, IT, Finance services and the necessary policies, it's been a steep learning curve for everyone involved!

Adam joined the National Committee in Berwick-upon-Tweed for his first meeting in May 2023. Berwick is the most Northerly authority, and it was enlightening to hear some of the issues in serving their very rural communities. If you would like to host a meeting at your library, do get in touch.

Every charity requires a strong and diverse Board of Trustees and finding the right people to take on this important role was a priority for the next couple of months.  We had some brilliant people apply for the role of trustees and we were delighted to have welcomed them officially onto the board at our AGM in November.

The Arts Council funding means that we now have a budget of £200,000 per year to develop our support services for libraries and embed quality children’s and young people’s engagement across the library sector with a new Executive Team.  In the summer Adam was joined by Lucy Banks and Sarah Gregory as Programme Manager and Management and Information Consultant in working towards ASCEL's new goals and ambitions.  The new team met for the first time in our new base at Wolverhampton Library.

The work has now started, and Lucy has been kept busy. “I can’t believe it’s only been five months since I started with ASCEL! In that time, we’ve assembled our member-led library team to start delivering the Youth Engagement Network programme. I’m especially thrilled we’re doing this work; it’s never been more important to listen to children, co-create with them and learn from their experiences, expertise and opinions. We’ve got eight public library services and one school library taking part in the pilot, and we’ll start the children-led activities in the new year. We’re also developing training that meaningfully supports you and your wider teams. The Skills Audit, which was completed by 89 members, gave insight into where your strengths lie, and the areas that may need development. This work links with both our HAF ‘train the trainer’ programme, which is supported by three public libraries, and our exploration of training pathways into the sector (alongside key partners). We need younger people to not only engage with our services but join our teams to shape the future of libraries across the country. “

Sarah has taken over the membership systems from Anna Simmons, freeing up a great deal of her time, thank you Anna.  (A quick reminder to return your 2023/24 subscription form for invoicing, before final red reminder emails go out in the new year!) As well as leading on the development of the new website.

We were all very sad when Adam had to step down as CEO in October. He brought dynamism, knowledge, insight and energy to the role and had put in so much work to progress our strategic plans, build the foundations of ASCEL as a charity, form a new Executive Team and consolidate our action plan. But before leaving, he led a strategy day in the beautiful Shrewsbury library with the new Trustee Board and the Executive team.

An interim CEO was swiftly put in place, and we were very pleased to welcome back Sarah Mears, a past ASCEL chair and the libraries Connected rep on our National Committee. With her extensive knowledge of the sector and leadership skills, she's been able to jump right in and start building on the strong base created by Adam. Sarah says she is delighted to be reconnecting with ASCEL for this interim period and has been so excited by the inspirational projects being developed by the team alongside ASCEL members.

We all came together for another amazing Conference in November, where we formally voted on the new constitution and officially appointed our new Trustees. You may have talked to our External Comms consultant, Bryony Bishop, who collected feedback and your glowing endorsements of ASCEL. We'll be using these quotes and clips in future marketing. Here's the first video, thanks for all your ASCEL love!

There was time for one more library visit when the executive team and new CEO met in Christmassy Manchester central library.

As the year draws to a close there is much to look back on and be proud of. Being Chair of a new organisation requires a lot of focus on the detail required, so I am enjoying this opportunity to take that step back and feel proud of all that we have achieved together.  One thing is for certain that we would not be in this positive place ready for 2024 without the support and dedication of so many people and partners so

Thank you to:

  • Those ASCEL committee members who stepped up as Trustees, learning on the job to get all the background work in place, alongside their demanding day jobs.
  • Sue Ball, Chris Myhill, Nina Simons, Krystal Vittles, Anna Simmons our treasurer who has spent so much time researching and setting up finance systems and myself, Annabel Gittins for taking on the unenviable role of Chair to steer the process.
  • To our wonderful new Trustees Sherilyn Pereira, Benedict Shaw, Mark Freeman, Kirsty Blyth, Nick Fuller and Fabienne Tannoh.
  • Our consultant Katie Peckacar for guiding us through the process and helping out as needed.
  • Our fantastic partners who have supported us through our first year – in particular Libraries Connected and Arts Council England
  • To Adam for setting up the charity and giving us such a strong base to work from, and Sarah Mears for taking over so effectively and carrying on his legacy.
  • To Lucy and Sarah for taking on new roles in a new organisation.
  • To Annie Everall, our Conference Consultant for putting together, what could be the best conference to date (although we say that every year!)

And of course, to you, our members - for your support, guidance and input over this whole process and for getting involved in surveys, focus groups and new research programmes as we make plans for the future.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I look forward to leading ASCEL through 2024.



Chair of Trustees



Friday, 1 December, 2023

ASCEL is delighted to welcome five new trustees to our Board, who bring a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to support the charity’s mission.

Introducing our New Trustees

Kirsty Blyth - Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Inspire: Culture, Learning & Libraries

Nick Fuller - Bi-borough Libraries Manager Children’s and Outreach, Westminster City Council working with Kensington and Chelsea Council

Mark Freeman MBE – Retired Head of Service, Stockton-on-Tees, previous President of Libraries Connected

Sherilyn Pereira – Public Engagement Manager, Stephen Lawrence Research Centre, De Montfort University

Benedict Shaw - Head of Euro Bilateral Team - Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)

These accomplished professionals join us at an exciting time, as we continue to expand and develop as a new charity. Their diverse skills and proven track records in the library, education and technology sectors will contribute hugely to the growth of ASCEL, enhancing and complementing the skills of our existing trustees.

Each ASCEL trustee shares a deep passion for cultivating dynamic library services which promote inclusion and diversity and where children’s and young people’s voices are heard, valued and reflected.

Annabel Gittins, Chair of ASCEL, says:

“Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Kirsty, Nick, Mark, Sherilyn and Benedict. We are excited about the impact their involvement will have on ASCEL and look forward to achieving great things together. Their fresh perspectives will invigorate our approach, helping us explore new ideas and opportunities. We encourage you to take a moment to learn more about our new trustees, their achievements, backgrounds, and what motivates them to support ASCEL.”

These new Trustees expand ASCEL’s Board to 12 and join our current Trustees:

Annabel Gittins (Chair) - Library Support Manager, Shropshire Libraries

Sue Ball – Interim Libraries & Arts Manager, Staffordshire County Council

Christine Myhill - Libraries & Heritage Manager, Gateshead Council

Nina Simon - SLS Manager, Schools Library Service, Redbridge

Anna Simmons – Head of Libraries & Information, Luton Libraries, Active Luton

Krystal Vittles – Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Suffolk Libraries


Get to know our new Trustees

Thursday, 9 November, 2023

Sarah Mears MBE, Programme Manager for Libraries Connected joins ASCEL as Interim CEO.


Sarah will support ASCEL with the charity’s exciting new strategic plans as an Arts Council England ISPO, bringing a wealth of experience and energy to the role. Sarah’s background in strong, effective leadership and programming, and extensive knowledge of children’s library services means she is well placed to steer the organisation further forward with our ambitious plans for growth, whilst we recruit a permanent CEO.

As a past Chair and longtime supporter of ASCEL, Sarah has an excellent insight into our members’ needs and our vision and mission.

Annabel Gittins, Chair of ASCEL, says:

“ASCEL is extremely grateful to Sarah and Libraries Connected for providing us with such invaluable support during this interim period. We are excited to have found such an experienced and passionate Interim CEO to work with our Trustees, team, and members who will continue our ambitious plans and support us in our evolution as a new Arts Council England IPSO. Sarah’s expertise and insight are set to enhance our organisation further during this exciting new chapter.”

Sarah Mears MBE says:

“I am so delighted to be given this opportunity to contribute to ASCEL’s development. It is such an exciting time for ASCEL as the organisation grows and I will work hard to support the charity’s strategy working with public libraries to put the voice of the child and young person at the heart of services.”

Isobel Hunter, CEO Libraries Connected says:

“As an expert on children’s librarianship, and a former chair of ASCEL, Sarah is the perfect choice to continue Adam Tulloch’s work in establishing ASCEL as a delivery organisation. It’s so important that children’s and school libraries have a dedicated organisation representing them – that’s why Libraries Connected has been a steadfast supporter of ASCEL from the outset. We’re pleased that we can help ASCEL at this time of transition and are excited to see the organisation grow under Sarah’s stewardship as it recruits its next permanent CEO.”


Sarah Mears MBE is Programme Manager for Libraries Connected, the national network for Librarians across the UK. Formerly, Sarah was Library Services Manager for Essex Libraries, the lead for the Universal Culture Offer and was a member of SCL Executive. She is also a past Chair of ASCEL. Away from work she is one of the founder members and a director of Empathy Lab, a not-for-profit organisation which focuses on developing children’s empathy skills through the power of books and stories in schools and libraries.
