What's new

Monday, 16 October, 2023


The Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians is looking for a Chief Executive to lead the organisation. 


We are looking for an ambitious, enthusiastic, and creative candidate with strong empathy and listening skills. They must be passionate about our vision and mission to inspire all children and young people to reach their full potential by championing excellence, diversity and equality in libraries.

Our new Chief Executive will need to continue to grow ASCEL so that it can deliver against its business plan and new role as an Investment Principles Support Organisation for the public library sector.


Read the full job specification online

Download specification

Download Application form

Thursday, 12 October, 2023

It is with great sadness that ASCEL announces that Adam Tulloch has had to make the difficult decision to stand down as our CEO, due to an unexpected change in personal circumstances. Adam will leave the organisation at the end of October 2023.

We are actively engaging an interim CEO to support the organisation as we recruit a new leader for ASCEL.

Our commitment to supporting Children’s Public and Schools Library Services is unwavering as we continue to evolve and grow as a charity and Arts Council Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO).

In the time that Adam has been with us, he has helped us to progress our strategic plans, build the foundations of ASCEL as a charity, form a new Executive Team and consolidate our action plan. We are in a strong position to drive forward our next exciting phase of development with confidence and make a real impact in the sector. We thank Adam for bringing such dynamism, knowledge, insight and energy to the role.

Adam says:

“It has been a real privilege to be the first CEO of ASCEL. I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the organisation and I know that ASCEL will continue to achieve great things.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the warm welcome and support I received during my tenure, and I wish the organisation the very best in its next chapter.

I will be working to ensure this unexpected transition is as smooth as possible for the charity and my successor.”


We will announce our interim CEO in the coming weeks.

Monday, 14 August, 2023



Changing Times for Children’s & Schools Library Services

Friday 10th & Saturday 11th November 2023


ASCEL Future Forward (Virtual)             Monday 6th November 2.30 – 3.30

Publisher Highlights (Virtual)                Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th 09.15 – 12.15 

Main Conference (In Person)                 Friday 10th & Saturday 11th November 2023

Venue: Derby Mickleover Hotel, Etwall Rd, Mickleover, Derby DE3 0XX 


For information regarding the conference please contact: Annie Everall, ASCEL Conference Manager  email: [email protected]

ASCEL Members can book directly

Specific Aims for this Conference:

This conference will equip leaders of Schools Library Services and Public Library Services for Children & Young People to:

  • Support children and young people in engaging with and accessing library services
  • Learn from other organisations as to how they listen to children and young people.
  • Explore how public libraries and schools library services can listen to the children and young people in their communities and put them at the heart of our service.
  • Engage libraries within the broader field of Children’s Services


General Conference Aims:

  • Exploring best practice
  • Understanding the current strategic landscape
  • Generating innovative solutions to respond to new ways of thinking.
  • Providing opportunities for networking
  • Developing cross sector partnerships


Programme Topics will include (subject to speaker confirmation):

  • Back to the Future for Libraries panel session
  • Are libraries relevant in today’s world? Panel session
  • DFE Reading Framework – opportunities and challenges for libraries and SLS
  • Reading, Libraries and Me – author sessions
  • Poverty Proofing the school day
  • Libraries engaging Internationally through IFLA
  • Trends in reading and book buying
  • AI challenges and opportunities for libraries and education
  • Building future partnerships with Arts Council NPO
  • Learning from Our Peers workshops
  • School Diversity week – Just Like Us
  • Digital developments in publishing


Publishers and Reading Materials

The virtual Publisher Highlights during conference will enable delegates to see key children’s books being published in 2023. There will also be a Book Exhibition at the physical conference venue. Pre-recorded supplier highlights plus the publisher recordings will also be shown during breaks.  A reading bag of key children’s titles and promotional materials will be provided for all delegates attending the conference in person.


For information regarding the conference please contact: Annie Everall, ASCEL Conference Manager  email: [email protected]

Wednesday, 26 July, 2023

   ASCEL - Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians – Press Release 26th July 2023


ASCEL announces their executive team


 ASCEL is delighted to announce it has appointed Lucy Banks (left) as Programme Manager and Sarah Gregory (right) as Information and Membership Consultant as part of its executive team.


Lucy Banks previously worked as Reading Development Manager at Libraries Unlimited, the charity responsible for running 54 libraries across Devon and Torbay. With a background in education as well as libraries, she has always had a passion for supporting children and young people.

Sarah Gregory has worked and built relationships with members at ASCEL since 2015. She has worked in information services for local education authorities before managing the library at her daughters’ primary school where she continues to be involved. Sarah is now looking forward to continuing and developing her role at the charity.


Lucy Banks said: "I'm delighted to work alongside Adam and Sarah to champion children and young people's voices in libraries and to be a part of this exciting new phase of ASCEL's development. I also look forward to working more closely with library teams across the country to inspire positive change in our sector."


Sarah Gregory said: “It’s an exciting time to be a part of ASCEL, and I welcome the opportunity to support the teams and members as we grow and develop the new organisation.”


Lucy and Sarah join ASCEL’s executive team as the charity moves into an exciting new phase of growth and development, having recently become an Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO) for Arts Council England. As the national network of senior managers in Children’s Public and Schools Library Services, it is central to ASCEL’s strategy to ensure that the voice of children, young people and families co-leads on the planning and delivery of library services across the country.


Adam Tulloch, CEO, said: “I am absolutely delighted that ASCEL has been able to appoint such strong candidates to the roles and I am very much looking forward to working with both Lucy and Sarah and championing the voice of children and young people in library services.”


ASCEL is the national network of senior managers in Children’s Public and Schools Library Services.  Our aim is to lead excellence in library services for children and young people and schools so that:


  • every child and young person visiting a public library should be inspired by an exciting environment which makes reading for pleasure irresistible
  • every school has access to a high quality school library service


ASCEL has always championed children and young people’s place within libraries. Becoming a charity and an IPSO for the Arts Council England will enable ASCEL to ensure that the voice of children and young people and families can co-lead on the planning and delivery of library services that are relevant and interesting to them.





Media Contact:

Adam Tulloch

[email protected]


Thursday, 4 May, 2023

ASCEL has been successful in gaining funding from Arts Council England to become an Investment Principles Support Organisation from 2023-2026. This means we will have £200,000 per year core funding for this time to develop our support services for libraries and embed quality children’s and young people’s engagement across the library sector.

We are now able to recruit for two new roles; Programme Manager & Communications and Engagement Manager.

If you are interested in applying for either role you are welcome to book a conversation with our Chief Executive, Adam Tulloch, to understand more about what it entails, however this is not mandatory. [email protected]

In order to apply for these posts, please send a CV along with a cover letter that is no longer than 2 x A4 to [email protected] by 17th May 2023.

The timeline for applications and interviews is as follows:

  • 17th May 2023 Deadline for applications
  • 19th May 2023 Applicants invited for interview
  • 24th and 25th May 2023 Interviews take place online

Job Descriptions


Programme Manager

Communications and Engagement Manager

Thursday, 30 March, 2023

We are recruiting: Trustees

The Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians (ASCEL) has been a membership organisation for library staff for over 20 years, but it has only recently become a charity. We have appointed a dynamic new Chief Executive who will work with the Board of Trustees to lead and grow ASCEL and have set up a new head office in Wolverhampton Library.

We currently have a small board of 6 trustees, made up of ASCEL members and are now looking to expand our board to 15 people, including young people and independent trustees with the skills and experience to help our organisation grow sustainably and achieve its strategic objectives.

As we are a new organisation, we have a lot of work to do. Becoming a trustee at this time will give you the opportunity to help shape ASCEL’s culture, strategy and ways of working.


Please see further details in the Trustees Recruitment  Pack

Friday, 10 February, 2023

ASCEL - Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians – Press Release, 10th February 2023


ASCEL Announces their first CEO

Adam Tulloch, CEO of Total Insight Theatre has been chosen as the first CEO of ASCEL.

Adam founded and leads Total Insight Theatre, an award-winning charity that uses the arts to transform the lives of children and young people, engaging over 20,000 young people since its inception in 2014.  Adam was named Charity Chief Executive of the year for organisations with annual incomes of less than £5M at the 2021 Third Sector Awards.

He will be joining ASCEL in April 2023 as CEO.  With his experience and knowledge of leading a charity for young people within the cultural sector he is ideally placed to work with the trustees and ASCEL members to lead ASCEL through an exciting period of growth and development.  


Annabel Gittins, Chair of ASCEL said: “ASCEL is excited to have found such an inspirational and dynamic CEO to work with trustees and our members to deliver against an ambitious vision and business plan as part of the new Arts Council England investment portfolio. We look forward to bringing forward the voice of children and young people to national debates and initiatives for libraries and working with members to centre children, young people and families in library services across the country.”

Adam Tulloch said: “I’m absolutely delighted to have been appointed as the first CEO of ASCEL. ASCEL is a vibrant and ambitious charity that is truly committed to inspiring children and young people and ensuring they feel heard, valued and reflected. It’s an incredibly exciting time to join the organisation and I’m very much looking forward to championing library services that provide a strong voice for children and young people across the country.”



ASCEL is the national network of senior managers in Children’s Public and Schools Library Services.  Our aim is to lead excellence in library services for children and young people and schools so that:

  • every child and young person visiting a public library should be inspired by an exciting environment which makes reading for pleasure irresistible
  • every school has access to a high quality school library service


ASCEL has always championed children and young people’s place within libraries.  Becoming a charity and an IPSO for the Arts Council England will enable ASCEL to ensure that the voice of children and young people and families can co-lead on the planning and delivery of library services that are relevant and interesting to them.


Download Full Press Release

Media Contact:

Annabel Gittins

Chair of Trustees, ASCEL

[email protected]


Tuesday, 6 December, 2022

The Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians is looking for a Chief Executive to lead the organisation as it enters an exciting new chapter. We are looking for an ambitious, enthusiastic, and creative candidate with strong empathy and listening skills. They must be passionate about our vision and mission to inspire all children and young people to reach their full potential by championing excellence, diversity and equality in libraries. Our new Chief Executive will need to grow ASCEL so that it can deliver against its business plan and new role as an Investment Principles Support Organisation for the public library sector.


For more details and how to apply please Read full role specification online

Download role specification as a pdf

Download Application Form

Friday, 4 November, 2022

ASCEL are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our bid to receive Arts Council England funding to help us engage, inspire and support children and young people in our libraries and beyond.  This would not have been possible without the dedication of our Committee and members, plus the advice and support from colleagues, including Libraries Connected and Katie Pekacar.

#LetsCreate  Announcement

ACE 2023-26 Investment Programme

Friday, 7 October, 2022

ASCEL has been working together with Libraries Connected and The Local Government Association to highlight the role of libraries in supporting speech, language and communication  (SLC) strategies in local authorities. The chart highlights the ways in which library rhyme times support the elements of the recognised speech, language and communication pyramid. We encourage library services to use the chart to engage with their early years teams and ensure they are included in speech, language and communication pathways and strategies. 

How Libraries support SLC



